RedBin - How it Works
Manage your Bins. Once your overhead photos are loaded into your account you will be able to itemize your inventory. In addition you will be able to request delivery of a bin or individual item back to you.
RedBin - Storage On-Demand
Everything about RedBin is convenient. We will bring our bins directly to your door, and pick them up. Specify different locations for drop-off and pick-up, if that's what works for you. Scheduling is flexible as well.
RedBin - Help
Red Bin is an "On Demand" storage provider. We deliver heavy duty plastic bins to you. You pack up your personal items in the bins and then we pick them up from you and store them in our warehouse. When you need your items back, you can request either an entire bin back or just individual items.
Red Bin Technologies | RedBin Blog
This is the first blog by Red Bin Technologies, a Brooklyn New York startup in the on-demand storage space.
CSR | RedBin Blog
Why On-Demand Bin Storage is MUST when living in New York City. Staging your Apartment with the help of RedBin! This Is How NYC Does Storage; A History of Spring Cleaning; Categories. CSR; New York City Storage; on-demand storage; RedBin News; Storage for Moms; Storage for Students; Storage Tips; Thoughts on Storage; Uncategorized
students | RedBin Blog
Red Bin Storage on demand solves this problem for students, their roommates and parents. Using the mobile app students can now request bins to be delivered to their rooms. They can pack their seasonal items or items that they aren’t using right away and gain some much needed space.
RedBin - Help
Our Dedication to Your Safety During the Coronavirus Outbreak. At RedBin, our top priority is the safety and care of our customers and employees.