How to convert a SB3 file to an EXE - Stack Overflow
Nov 5, 2019 · I'm creating a game on Scratch 3, however, when I'm finished with it, I want to convert it to an .exe file. How do I do this? I've been interested in game development for a long time, and have even
Command line arguments for Scratch 1.4 - Stack Overflow
Aug 17, 2014 · To get started, first copy the Scratch application ("Scratch.exe" or "Scratch.app") from your normal Scratch folder into the Scratch source code folder. (The Scratch application is actually just a Squeak virtual machine, so any recent Squeak virtual machine should also work.)
visual studio - C++ cannot open source file - Stack Overflow
In Visual Studio, Right click on project and in Configuration Properties find C/C++ and then General/ In The window at the right side pick up a directory at Additional Include Directories row.
python - How can I get the real argument list from a frozen …
Jun 28, 2021 · I have a unique problem - my solution, which I wish to package using pyinstaller, JITs some things based on sys.argv at startup. When you use multiprocessing with freeze_support on Windows,
c++ - fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols …
Mar 20, 2013 · The two int variables are defined in the header file. This means that every source file which includes the header will contain their definition (header inclusion is purely textual).
Are lambda functions nothrow_move_assignable? - Stack Overflow
Oct 24, 2016 · clang-cl (4.0.0-trunk) seems to think yes while vc2015 (update3) thinks no. Is this implementation defined or the standard dictates how lambda functions should be implemented in terms or nothrow and
Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000. OpenGL …
May 5, 2021 · I have been trying to create an OpenGL window making use of GLAD and GLFW, following the instructions found at learnopengl.com and glfw.org. At first glance according to the documentation, this is ...
What Does It Mean For a C++ Function To Be Inline?
Feb 19, 2015 · The function is placed in the code, rather than being called, similar to using macros (conceptually). This can improve speed (no function call), but causes code bloat (if the function is used 100 times, you now have 100 copies).