Sisterlocks Home
Sisterlocks are tiny uniform locks that are the result of a precision parting grid, and the use a specialized tool used to place the hair into its locking formation.
Finding A Consultant - Sisterlocks
When looking for a Certified Sisterlocks Consultant or Trainee, you will want to know what to expect from them, and what they will be expecting from you. Before selecting a Consultant, read through our "Online Information Packet."
General FAQ for Beginners - Sisterlocks
Q: What is Sisterlocks? A: Sisterlocks is a natural hair management system that creates tiny style-able locks. It allows women with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair or add any products or heat.
About Us - Sisterlocks
Sisterlocks invites women who are interested in self-empowerment and cultural self expression, to embrace a natural hair care system that is self-affirming and truly gorgeous. The company has three divisions: training, products & accessories and hair services.
Photo Gallery - Sisterlocks
Sisterlocks Photo Gallery (PLUS, scroll down for some practical inspiration from our Pros)
Sisterlocks est un concept révolutionnaire qui répond aux voix des femmes noires et métisses qui cherchent à prendre soin de leurs cheveux crêpus, frisés ou défrisés. Les Sisterlocks sont de fines locks qui ressemblent à de fines tresses.
What Are Sisterlocks? - Info Center
Sisterlocks: The original micro interlocking system for Afro-textured hair! Get answers to all of your question by reading through our Online Information Packet. There you will find a General FAQ for Beginners, and an explanation of the required Sisterlocks Package
Info Center - Information Center Home
Welcome to our easy-to-use Info Center. Here's where you can find quick answers to most of your Sisterlocks questions, whether you're a client, a Trainee, a Consultant, or just someone curious about Sisterlocks
Training & Classes - Sisterlocks
Become a Certified Sisterlocks Consultant! Our Training Program is TOPS in the natural hair care industry! Sisterlocks trains in over 35 locations throughout the year, including several countries .
Certified Consultant Registry SC, SD, TN, TX & UT - Sisterlocks
Links below point to BA's Sisterlocks page. "R" Certified = Able to offer Official Sisterlocks Retightening Classes to their Sisterlocks clients. Trichology Analyst = Has taken our course on hair loss issues