The Sony ICF-SW100: a miniture DX marvel, never likely to be repeated
Sep 20, 2016 · SW-100 occupies an interesting narrow band in the collecting community — radios that are NIB or LNIB can still fetch high prices, though they have to be tested to ensure they …
RECEIVER REVIEW: SONY ICF-SW100 – Medium Wave Circle
Now Sony has taken the best features of many of its receivers, including the SW-1 and launched a new receiver called the SW-100. Again, the set is about the size of a cigarette packet and …
The diminutive but brilliant Sony ICF-SW100: a few …
Jan 20, 2017 · Originally introduced into the market in 1993 and discontinued in 2005, the ICF-SW100 won’t ever be repeated – a point I made in my original post, but of course they are …
Sony ICF-SW100 - shortwaveradio.ch
Apr 28, 2021 · As a double conversion superhet with PLL frequency synthesis, the Sony ICF-SW100 covers the FM broadcast band (with the 76 - 108 MHz frequency band extension …
Reviews For: Sony SW100S Receiver - eHam.net
Great features are the green LED screen lighting, direct entery keypad, fixed audio out for recording, synchronous AM detection, FM down to 76MHz for analog TV channels 5 and 6 …
Multiband Receiver Sony ICF SW100 (Review) - HAM Radio site
Aug 11, 2018 · It was marketed as a “world-band receiver”. It covers 150kHz to 30MHz and FM from 76MHz to 108MHz. The set decodes stereo transmissions. The set is remarkable for …
A repair story: Vlado’s fix for the classic Sony ICF-SW100
Aug 15, 2015 · As everyone knows, the SW-100 suffered from the well-known ribbon-cable failure problem. SONY addressed this problem in later serial numbers, and changed the design of the …
Sony ICF-SW100S Sony ICF-SW1000T - DXing.com
Supplied with AC adapter stereo earphones, active antenna and carry case. The model ICF-SW100E, sold outside North America includes only the earphones, case and a nonactive …
Sony ICF-SW100S, sony icfsw100 shortwave radio - Universal Radio
The Sony® ICF-SW100S has all the features of a full-sized portable, but is small enough to fit into your shirt pocket. This radio is an incredible 4.375x1x2.875 inches (111x25x73 mm) 8 oz. …
Weltempfänger Test: Sony ICF SW100 - Funkwelle.com
Feb 15, 2013 · Wir stellen den Sony ICF-SW100 im Video vor. Der kleine Weltempfänger bietet SSB, Synchro Detektor, editierbare Speichern & ein durchgängiges Freuqenzband.
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