The Mystical Image of Sarasvati in Buryatia | Buddhistdoor
Jan 20, 2020 · Tsyden Sodoev, known in the region as Soodoi Lama, became famous for his ability to predict the future. From 1881–86, he was educated at Drepung Monastery in Lhasa, and in 1894 became abbot of Barguzin Datsan.
The Post-Soviet Treasure Hunt: Time, Space, and Necropolitics in ...
A rare cosmopolitan in his times, Soodoi Lama was a prophet, a person with special powers to access a range of temporalities not only through his ability to read the future, but also, and perhaps most crucially, due to his being considered an incarnate lama (see image 8).
Соодой лама | Библиотека | Центр тибетской медицины …
Описание: Чудо не противоречит законам природы, а только нашим о них представлениям. 15 июня 1927 года Хамбо-лама Даша-Доржо Итигэлов сел в позу лотоса и собрал учеников. Находясь в состоянии медитации, он, согласно буддийскому учению, ушел в нирвану.
Dec 19, 2023 · In European anthropological circles there was a burst of interest in the topic of ideology in the 1970s in the wake of the riots of May 1968 in Paris and consequent intense interpretative...
Sodoev Tsyden - Soodoy lama
In 1846, in Elesun, the son of Tsyden was born in the family of Solsogshona Sodoya. His mother was from the Shono clan - the daughter of a man nicknamed Zoonin ubugen. From childhood, Tsyden amazed everyone with insight and clairvoyance, predicting people about upcoming events. At the age of seven he was taken to a datsan to his uncle Shagzha Gebshe, a boy...
Тулку Соодой Лама, просьба в нахождение перевоплашения, …
Aug 30, 2008 · If the information on where and when to look for Tulku is closed, then simply pray for the speedy incarnation of Soodoy Lama, the compassionate Nagarjuna. Or ask for advice from https://gebchakgonpa.org/gebchak-lamas/tsang-
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The memory of this outstanding tantric lama, yogi, astrologer and soothsayer lives in the memory and hearts of the Buryats of Barguzin, numerous stories are passed from mouth to mouth about extraordinary things that he could do: pass through walls, walk on water like on earth, fly up to Mount Barkhaan waving, floor orchimjo like wings.<br> <br>Soodoi Lama was born in 1846 near Elesun ulus of ...
Dr. Kristina Jonutytė: metai Buriatijoje - VDU Socialinių mokslų …
Jul 16, 2019 · Budistinis altorius pakelėje, paskirtas pasižymėjusiam vietiniam vienuoliui Soodoi Lama (Barguzino rajonas, 2015). / Nuotrauka iš K. Jonutytės asmeninio archyvo. K. Jonutytė ©.
The Post-Soviet Treasure Hunt: New Sacred Histories and …
Abstract. This chapter shifts the focus back to contemporary Buryatia, taking a close look at the strategies used to re-consecrate postsocialist Buddhist landsc
Dalai Lama says his successor will be born outside China
6 days ago · The Dalai Lama’s successor will be born outside China, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism says in a new book, raising the stakes in a dispute with Beijing over control of the Himalayan...
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