Suomi KP/-31 - Wikipedia
The Suomi KP/-31 (Finnish: Suomi-konepistooli m/31, lit. 'Finland-machine-pistol mod. 1931') is a Finnish submachine gun that was mainly used during World War II. It is a descendant of the M-22 prototype and the KP/-26 production model, which was revealed to the public in 1925.
Suomi-konepistooli – Wikipedia
Suomi-konepistooli oli Suomen puolustusvoimien käytössä kymmenien vuosien ajan, ja kuului jakovahvuuteen 1990-luvulle asti. Suomi KP/-31 SJR -konepistoolilla ja panssarinyrkillä aseistettuja suomalaissotilaita ohittamassa tuhottua T-34 …
Suomi KP/-31 Submachine Gun — Finland’s Konepistooli
Dec 5, 2023 · The Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun proved to be a pivotal Finnish firearm that inspired the Soviet PPSh-41, the most extensively produced submachine gun in World War II. Featuring a high-capacity drum magazine, selective-fire system and a quick-change barrel, the Suomi submachine gun was quite innovative for its time.
The Suomi KP31 Submachine gun: Finland's finest - Guns.com
Jun 25, 2013 · The Suomi was Finland's premier submachine gun during their Winter War against the Soviet unions attempted annexing of their country.
Korpisota 1941–1944 - Suomi-Konepistooli m/31 SJR
Suomi-konepistooli painaa noin 4,7 kg ja sen täysi 70 patruunan rumpulipas n. 1,48 kg, yhteensä n. 6,2 kg. Aseen kokonaispituus on 870 mm ja piipun pituus 314 mm. Luodin lähtönopeus on 380–400 m/s.
Weapons Manual: Finland’s Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun - HistoryNet
Sep 25, 2017 · The KP/-31’s reliability in cold weather, good long-range accuracy, and high rate of fire made it well suited for the hit-and-run style attacks that Finnish troops often used against the Soviet forces.
Suomi KP/-31 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Suomi KP/-31 (Finnish: Suomi-konepistooli m/31 or "Finland-submachine gun mod. 1931") is a Finnish submachine gun that was mainly used during World War II. It entered service in Finland in 1931, and remained in use until the 1980s. It was designed by Aimo Lahti in the late 1920s.
Suomi Model 1931 | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The Suomi Model 1931, often referred to as KP/-31 or the M/31, was a Finnish submachine gun that saw service in Finland during World War II.[2] The Suomi was a high quality submachine gun designed by Aimo Lahti, a famous Finn and weapon designer, in the late 1920s.
Miten Suomi-KP tehtiin, miten sillä ammuttiin ja mihin se pystyi? Teksti: P. T. Kekkonen
Suomi KP/-31 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Suomi KP/-31 (Suomi-konepistooli or "Submachine-gun Finland") was a submachine gun (SMG) of Finnish design that was in service during World War II. It was a descendant of the M-22 prototype and the KP/-26 production model, which was revealed to the public in 1925.