Table V assigns SwCI numbers to each cross-referenced block of the matrix. The SSCM shall define the LOR tasks associated with the specific SwCI. Although it is similar in appearance to the Risk Assessment Matrix (Table III), the SSCM is not an assessment of risk.
SwCI Software Criticality Index Level of rigor (LoR). A specification of the depth and breadth of software analysis and verification activities necessary to provide a sufficient level of confidence that a safety-critical or safety-related software function will perform as required. Some MIL-STD-882E Terminology
DoD is committed to protecting personnel from accidental death, injury, or occupational illness; mitigating risk of civilian harm; and safeguarding defense systems, infrastructure, and property from accidental destruction, or damage while executing its …
May 7, 2021 · Software functionality that exercises control authority over potentially safety-significant hardware systems, subsystems, or components, allowing time for predetermined safe detection and intervention by independent safety mechanisms to mitigate or …
Table VI depicts the relationship between SwCI, risk levels, completion of LOR tasks, and risk assessment. All software contributions to system risk, including any results of Table VI application, shall be documented in the HTS. Perform risk acceptance in accordance with DoDI 5000.02. TABLE VI.
Assign a SwCI for each SSSF [Safety-Significant Software Function] mapped to the software design architecture. B.2.2.3 Software Safety Criticality Matrix (SSCM) tailoring ... SwCI 1 from.
MIL-STD-882E System Safety - AcqNotes
Mar 8, 2024 · Military Standard (MIL-STD) 882E “Department of Defense Standard Practice System Safety” identifies the DoD approach for identifying hazards and assessing and mitigating associated risks encountered in developing, testing, production, using, and …
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• For software, the SwCI and LOR define the requirements of mitigation efforts. • MIL-STD-882E, Appendix B provides guidance on evaluating software’s contribution to system risk and additional guidance on software safety engineering and analysis activities.
The software system safety tasks are derived by performing an FHA to identify SSFs, assigning a Software Control Category (SCC) to each of the safety-significant software functions, assigning an Software Criticality Index (SwCI) based on severity and SCC, and implementing LOR tasks for safety-significant software based on the SwCI.
To determine the appropriate severity category for a given hazard at a given point in time, identify the potential for death or injury, environmental impact, or monetary loss. A given hazard may have the potential to afect one or all of these three areas.