Traveling wave reactor - Wikipedia
A traveling-wave reactor (TWR) is a proposed type of nuclear fission reactor that can convert fertile material into usable fuel through nuclear transmutation, in tandem with the burnup of fissile material.
TerraPower - Wikipedia
TerraPower is an American nuclear reactor design and development engineering company headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. TerraPower is developing a class of nuclear fast reactors termed traveling wave reactors (TWR).
The TWR Supercat | Tom Walkinshaw Racing
It’s a TWR, a mix of traditional and modern, the perfect companion on road or track. Penned by a digital forward designer with input from rock and roll traditionalism, developed using tried and tested technology bolstered with modern techniques, it’s an analogue car with digital influences.
The Traveling Wave Reactor: Design and Development
Mar 1, 2016 · The traveling wave reactor (TWR) is a once-through reactor that uses in situ breeding to greatly reduce the need for enrichment and reprocessing. Breeding converts incoming subcritical reload fuel into new critical fuel, allowing a breed-burn wave to propagate.
The TWR is a sodium-cooled “fast” reactor design, which means that energetic (“fast”) neutrons sustain the chain reaction. The heat created by fission is carried away by liquid sodium, which is used to boil water (in a two-step process); in turn, the steam is used to drive a turbine-generator set to generate electricity. A TWR has never
Nov 1, 2013 · This paper describes the origins and current status of the TWR development program at TerraPower, LLC. Some of the areas covered include the key TWR design challenges and brief descriptions of TWR-Prototype (TWR-P) reactor.
revolutionary reactor design software •Simultaneously, develop qualified supply chain and business partners The TerraPower approach to reactor development 6
TerraPower brings B&W on board - World Nuclear News
Sep 19, 2024 · The TWR is a liquid sodium-cooled fast reactor that uses depleted or natural uranium as fuel. The core design of the original TWR concept envisages a moving region, or 'wave', in which the uranium is bred progressively into plutonium, which is the actual fuel that undergoes fission.
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We are a Building, Interior & Lifestyle design studio with specialty in Hospitality, Residential, Real Estate and Retail sectors. Our designers operate from Australia, Dubai, United Kingdom and Sri Lanka providing international award-winning design solutions.
Dr Di Yun | Lessons from Tai-Chi could make Travelling Wave …
Oct 18, 2024 · In a TWR, nuclear fission is initiated in a small region of enriched fuel within the reactor core, releasing neutrons that are absorbed by surrounding fertile nuclei. These nuclei are then converted into isotopes capable of undergoing fission themselves.