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City of Seattle
Tree regulations in Seattle are complex. The UFC recommends supporting additional education and outreach to improve code compliance and overall tree canopy and urban forest health. This could include increasing SDCI’s capacity to work with Trees for Seattle and Department of …
Urban Forestry Commission - Seattle.gov
The City passed Ordinance 123052 in August 2009 establishing Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle.
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City of Seattle
UFC guidance is needed to advise the city on these investments needed. Tina Cohen followed up on her comments from the previous meeting regarding how hard the UFC works and what the UFC can do to get the City Council to pay attention to the resulting recommendations.
The UFC encouraged Seattle residents to provide input throughout the tree protection ordinance update process through its electronic bulletin; subscribership rose by nearly 25% from 2022 to more than 2,200 subscribers. In 2023, the UFC received more than 700 comments from Seattle residents. These comments included continued
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City of Seattle
The UFC decided to wait until the November meeting to report on subgroup updates. NOTE: Meeting notes are not exhaustive. For more details, listen to the digital recording of the meeting at: https://www.seattle.gov/urbanforestrycommission/meetingdocuments Public Comment:
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City of Seattle
Membership Section 1 The Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) will be composed of thirteen (13) members appointed to serve for three (3) years beginning on April 1.
What we do | seattle.gov
The Urban Forestry Commission was established to advise the Mayor and City Council concerning the establishment of policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City of Seattle.
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City of Seattle
UFC bylaws say "The UFC will strive to provide a continued remote participation/call in option for the public and Commissioners." from Joshua Morris to everyone: 3:57 PM
The UFC recommends stronger protections for more of our larger trees so that future generations can benefit as we do. The UFC recommends that Exceptional Trees be redefined as trees with a trunk 24 inches in diameter or greater. Groves provide excellent habitat for birds and other wildlife and are becoming rare outside of parks. The UFC
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City of Seattle
UFC Commissioner and Coordinator updates: Lauren suggested moving the updates to the end of the meeting to ensure that the speakers for the day have enough time to present.