Peaty Soils Location (England) - ArcGIS
Apr 22, 2024 · Peaty Soils Location (England) - The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June - October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership Project to Protect and Enhance Peat Soils.
The England Peat Map (EPM), developed by Natural England as part of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment Programme (NCEA), is a set of national-scale baseline maps showing the extent, depth, and condition of England’s peaty soils.
UK Peatlands | IUCN UK Peatland Programme
Peat has been forming across comparably wetter and more topographically variable UK uplands (as oppose to lowlands) for about 5-6,000 years creating landscapes where peat depth can vary from a few centimetres to an average maximum peat depth of 6 metres within a distance of less than 50-100 metres.
Peaty Soils Location - data.gov.uk
The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...
UK Soil Observatory - British Geological Survey
The UK Soil Observatory (UKSO) is a collaboration of institutions providing and delivering information about the diverse soil types of the UK. The UKSO map viewer is free and easy to use, and has some of the most accurate soil data for the UK available.
Extent of Peatlands in England - ArcGIS
Describes whether peatlands are likely to support deep peaty soils, shallow peaty soils or soils with peaty pockets. For non-commercial use only - see terms of use for more info. Using a range of different data sources Natural England has collated a …
Working towards a Peat Data Standard – Natural England
Jan 12, 2023 · The England Peat Map project is mapping the extent, depth and condition of England’s peat, using new and existing field survey data, satellite Earth observation, and a variety of modelling...
The England Peat Map will produce a set of accessible, online maps describing peat extent, depth and condition. The maps will be updatable (improved with new data or better models) and designed to facilitate integration with the longer-term monitoring work of the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA).
England Peat Map :: Fens for the Future News
The England Peat Map Project will run from April 2021, with completion of the maps in 2024. The project will produce a set of accessible, online maps describing peat extent, depth and condition.
LandIS - Land Information System - National Soil Map - Lowland Peat
The Lowland Peat project describes the peat soils and surface peat deposits of lowland England and Wales, below 200 m O.D. Peat is a fragile natural resource that takes as much as 2,000 years to build up to a metre in thickness. However, when claimed for use by man, peatlands are rapidly destroyed.