Flaming Chalice: Symbol of Unitarian Universalism | UUA.org
A flame within a chalice (a cup with a stem and foot) is a primary symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. Many of our congregations kindle a flaming chalice in gatherings and worships and feature the chalice symbol prominently.
Chalice Lightings: Words for Worship | UUA.org
A flame within a chalice (a cup with a stem and foot), represents the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is a symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith. Read more about the history and symbolism of the flaming chalice .
The Flaming Chalice | UUA.org - Unitarian Universalist Association
At its most literal level of meaning, the flaming chalice signals Unitarian Universalist identity. But it has other registers of meaning as well. It suggests the transformations that take place when we are held within religious community.
Flaming chalice - Wikipedia
A flaming chalice is the most widely used symbol of Unitarianism and Unitarian Universalism (UUism) and the official logo of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and other Unitarian and UU churches and societies.
History of the Flaming Chalice - Unitarian Church in Westport
The flaming chalice design was made into a seal for papers and a badge for agents moving refugees to freedom. In time it became a symbol of Unitarian Universalism all around the world. The story of Hans Deutsch reminds us that the symbol of a flaming chalice stood in the beginning for a life of service.
Our Symbol: The Flaming Chalice – Unitarian Universalist Church …
4 hours ago · A flame within a chalice (a cup with a stem and foot) is a primary symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. Many of our congregations kindle a flaming chalice in gatherings and worships and feature the chalice symbol prominently.
The Flaming Chalice, a UU symbol
A flaming chalice used at the UUA’s General Assembly. A flame within a chalice (a cup with a stem and foot) is a primary symbol of the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. Many of our congregations kindle a flaming chalice in gatherings and …
Our Symbol: The Flaming Chalice - Unitarian Universalist …
We light a flaming chalice in worship to create a reverent space for reflection, prayer, meditation, and singing. The current official UUA logo debuted in 2014, offering a visual representation of a modern and dynamic faith.
The Healing Cup: The Story of the Flaming Chalice - UUA.org
Jan 21, 2015 · Many Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships start their worship service on Sunday morning by lighting a flame inside a chalice. This flaming chalice is a symbol for Unitarian Universalists just as the cross and the Star of David are symbols for other religious groups.
Symbol | About | Unitarian Universalist Church of the …
UU Shenandoah uses a flaming chalice as a primary symbol. This is a symbol of Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. There are several versions of the chalice. Our congregation kindles a flame in gatherings and worship services.