Front Century Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) Tanker
The 311,000 DWT class VLCC, Front Century, built at Hyundai Heavy Industries was delivered to Frontline Ltd on 23 July 1998. The ship permits one-man bridge operation (NAV1), with functionally arranged wheelhouse and equipment and good visibility.
Along with Ship Channel Expansion, New Bridge – Corpus Christi …
Sep 28, 2017 · In addition to accommodating VLCC loading and making way for increased capacity at Oxy Ingleside; Platts highlights the expansion of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, construction of the new Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge, connections to the Eagle Ford Shale and Permian Basin, and Corpus Christi’s rise as a global energy hub.
Successful VLCC test at Port Corpus Christi marks an historic …
May 30, 2017 · The Euronav Anne, a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) was successfully tested at the Oxy Ingleside Energy Center at Port Corpus Christi. This occasion marks the first time that a U.S. crude oil export facility has received such a large vessel.
Vlcc tanker Bridge part -1. #tour #vlcc #vlog #merchantnavy
tour to the vlcc tanker Bridge. this is the part -1 in which we are going to take a look on the equipment on vlcc bride in half part, another part that is pa...
Very Large Crude Oil tanker Bridge View. VLCC Ship - YouTube
Life at SeaInteegrated Bridge System of VLCC Ship.#coolmariners #ships #vlcc #ocean #sailor #sailorlife #bridgeview #navigation #justforfun #sailorstories #M...
News - Port of Corpus Christi
May 26, 2017 · The VLCC, a ship named Anne owned by the Belgium-based Euronav, is a 1,093-foot-long vessel capable of holding over 2 million barrels of oil. When fully laden a VLCC requires a draft of 66 feet.
Frank A Shrontz VLCC Tanker - Ship Technology
Feb 10, 2000 · The bridge of the Frank A Shrontz. The Frank A Shrontz is the first of a series of four new-generation Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) tankers, built for Chevron by Samsung Heavy Industries of South Korea.
VLCC Bridge Tour - YouTube
A bridge, also known as a pilothouse or wheelhouse, is a room or platform of a ship from which the ship can be commanded. When a ship is under way, the bridg...
Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) - SCM wiki
Nov 21, 2012 · VLCC stands for Very Large Crude Carriers, which is a classification of oil tanker. They were introduced in the 1970s and are an essential part of the transportation industry because they are able to transport massive quantities of crude oil across the globe.
What are Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) and Ultra Large Crude Carrier ...
Apr 30, 2024 · A very large crude carrier (VLCC) has a deadweight tonnage or cargo-carrying capacity ranking up to 250,000 tons. On the other hand, an ultra-large crude carrier (ULCC) has a DWT of anything between 250,000 to 500,000 tons.
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