Void Spirit - Dota 2 Wiki
Linken's Sphere saves Void Spirit from immediate, single targeted disables that can shut him down before he can use his abilities or Black King Bar, or pierce through debuff immunity. It also gives useful bonuses to attributes and regeneration.
Void Spirit - Dota 2 Вики
Любой враг, задетый кругом, получает урон и выпускает снаряд, движущийся к Void Spirit со скоростью в 900. Как только эти снаряды достигают Void Spirit, они увеличивают прочность оболочки на данное ...
Void Spirit/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Like his brothers, Void Spirit is a highly mobile hero. He can Dissimilate into portals, damaging enemies as he reappears. His ultimate can be used frequently, allowing him to Astral Step through enemies or out of danger. Being a Universal hero with moderate stat gain, Void Spirit is relatively fragile and must combine his abilities cleverly to ...
Void Spirit/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
↑ Void Spirit response: Link ️ The Temple of the Korumite monks was filled with scholars wise enough to study both the martial and arcane arts, yet humble enough to know they did not possess the wisdom to correctly wield them.
Void Spirit - Dota 2 Wiki
Conhecedor dos segredos que destruiriam a mente de um mero mortal, o Void Spirit observa o funcionamento do universo tendo uma vantagem desconhecida — deixar que os seus servos, cuidadosamente escolhidos, façam o seu trabalho sujo.
Руководство по Void Spirit — Dota 2 Вики
Void Spirit — это хитрый убийца, чьи способности обеспечивают как защиту, так и нападение. Resonant Pulse защищает его от атак с руки и посылает волну урона при активации.
Void Spirit/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Fiend's Grip and Nightmare are very useful to lock down Void Spirit. Brain Sap can be difficult for Void Spirit to deal with in the laning stage. Rupture will fully damage Void Spirit during his ultimate, removing his main escape mechanic during fights and his way to disrupt them heavily.
Реплики Void Spirit — Dota 2 Вики
️ Long have my celestial brothers beckoned... ️ I am the void and the spirit. ️ The Great Confluence approaches... ️ I abhor the blindness of the mortal plane. ️ I step again into the mortal plane. ️ Before me, the map of all of time unfolds... ️ It is time for the celestials to...
Void Spirit/Guia - Dota 2 Wiki
Void Spirit é um... Prós: Contras: Alta mobilidade; Dano explosivo em área; Forte contra heróis corpo a corpo.
Void Spirit/Equipment - Dota 2 Wiki
Void Spirit/Equipment < Void Spirit. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Hero Strategy ...