Is Tap Water OK for My Cannabis Seeds and Plants?
Nov 15, 2013 · Tap water is the water that comes from your faucet and is used for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. It is treated and disinfected by local water treatment plants to make it safe for consumption. However, the quality of tap water can vary depending on your location and the treatment process used by the local water treatment plant.
How to water seedlings in coco? - THCFarmer
May 12, 2021 · Just do like a shot glass of water or so. Wait till the cotyledons are starting to yellow when you feed. Water when the coco starts to feel dry then when they get a bit bigger transfer into a 1 gallon pot and then water only around the plant at first then increase the area of water as the plant gets bigger.
Can water from a Dehumidifier be used to water plants
Oct 6, 2009 · Yes, I believe it can. I've tested the water before and it's essentially RO water, because it's derived from condensation. If I remember correctly I believe the ph was either too low or too high, ppm 0-10. I've never used it on my plants, because that would be shitty way to learn a lesson, but theoretically it should be fine for them.
Seltzer Water for Co2 enrichment - THCFarmer
Dec 21, 2012 · Howdy farmers, I seen a video on Youtube where this grower sprayed his plants with plain seltzer water (carbonated water) instead of using a Co2 tank. I'm gonna try it on a few plants my next grow to see if I can notice any difference. I want input from anybody, it doesn't matter if you tried...
using stagnant/old rain water for plants? - THCFarmer
Aug 16, 2020 · I do drain my barrel in the fall as it would crack the barrel if the water froze but I think water sitting for months may be ok for plants but it breeds disease infected bugs like sars and west Nile mosquitos. If it were me I'd skim the algae off the top and use it. If not gonna use it dump it asap if you like to be west Nile or bird flu free.
Understanding Effects Of Water With High Alkalinity
Nov 29, 2015 · In addition to nutritional disorders of plants, water with high alkalinity can cause other problems. Bicarbonates and carbonates can clog the nozzles of pesticide sprayers and drip tube irrigation systems with obvious effects. The activity of some pesticides, floral preservatives, and growth regulators is markedly reduced by high alkalinity.
Water Schedule For Rockwool - THCFarmer
Jan 9, 2019 · Rockwool needs small frequent irrigations, particularly under hot or low humidity conditions when the plants are taking up a lot of water. However, the frequency of irrigation can be as low as once per day (or every other day) for small plants under cool conditions, to over 10 times a day for large plants in a hot or dry environment.
Dec 12, 2020 · That dry cycle since the moment you water the coco until 70-80% humidity and gets dry to 25-30% stimulates the root system to grow looking for water when the coco is getting dry. If we produce many dry cycles a day like 2 or 3, being necesary water 2-3 times a day, we Will be getting a very fast and explosive grow, and a very strong root system.
Should I use Cal Mag with RO Water? - THCFarmer
Aug 7, 2023 · Tried a 50/50 mix of tap water and ro to cut the starting high ppms of my tap water this king it will hurt the plants or burn them after the nutes. Still had ph fluxes, it was driving me insane and costing me dearly in quality and quantity. So I. Thought can't get any worse and with a starting ppm of 750 I now use 100% tap water cam mag every ...
Using RO water in coco - THCFarmer
Apr 20, 2024 · When transplanted I let the plants dry out a little and didn’t water for a couple days, just watered them yesterday and could say they look a little better, sprayed them twice last night whilst lights were off with rhizotonic from canna and they look something like this….. also should mention I was running the lights 24 hours so this ...