Wirikuta - Wikipedia
Wirikuta is a desert, sacred to the Wixárika people high in the mountains of central Mexico, between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Zacatecas ranges, near Real de Catorce. [1] In Wixárika cosmology, the world is believed to have been created in Wirikuta.
What is Wirikuta | Wixárika Research Center - Wixarika
Jan 1, 2011 · Wirikuta is a unique ecosystem within the world and forms a part of the greater Chihuahuan Desert where investigators have found the greatest biodiversity and concentration of cacti per square meter on the planet.
Wirikuta - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Wirikuta es uno de los territorios más sagrados de la cosmogonía de los indígenas wixarika (se pronuncia wirrarica, huicholes) ya que según sus creencias la creación del mundo ocurrió en dicho sitio.
The Sacred Desert of Wirikuta | Wixárika Research Center
Aug 15, 2022 · Wirikuta is located in the Chihuahuan desert in the state of San Luis Potosi. This is where the wixaritari have made a yearly pilgrimage for millennia to leave offerings to their ancestors and collect water from sacred springs and gather peyote which they take back to their ranch or to a ceremonial center for their ceremonies .
Wirikuta and the Huichol Universe – Mexico Unexplained
Jan 8, 2018 · In the eastern Sierra Madre of Mexico in a small indigenous village thirtysomething British adventurer Benedict Allen had been given permission by Huichol elders to take part in a month-long sacred pilgrimage to the mythical land of Wirikuta.
¿Qué es Wirikuta? | Centro de Investigación Wixárika - Wixarika
Jan 1, 2011 · Wirikuta es el fundamento material y cultural sobre el que se basa la identidad del pueblo wixarika (huichol). La destrucción de Wirikuta implicaría la destrucción del pueblo wixarika como tal. Wirikuta posee un ecosistema único en el mundo.
Wirikuta, la tierra del peyote y los rituales sagrados
Ahora los huicholes realizan anualmente esta peregrinación hacia el desierto de Wirikuta, en el oriente (San Luis Potosí), para recolectar a sus antepasados –peyote, venado y agua de los manantiales de este lugar–. Asisten únicamente los marakames y hikuritamete.
Huichol Pilgrimage - The Wirikuta
The Huichol pilgrimage is as old as the tribe’s collective memory. According to legend, the journey traces the path of their ancestors, who ventured to Wirikuta, a sacred land, in search of the blue deer, a divine messenger. This deer led them to peyote, a hallucinogenic cactus.
Wirikuta – Patrimonio Biocultural de México
Wirikuta posee un ecosistema único en el mundo. Forma parte de una porción del desierto chihuahuense en donde se concentra la mayor biodiversidad y riqueza de cactáceas por metro cuadrado del planeta. Es mucho más que un desierto: es un jardín.
Tradition and faith drive the Wixárika pilgrimage to Wirikuta
Jan 26, 2025 · Annually, thousands of members of the Wixárika community undertake a spiritual journey to Wirikuta, a sacred place located in the San Luis Potosí desert. This journey of more than 500 kilometers not only represents a pilgrimage, but a deep connection with their ancestral traditions and worldview.