Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Residence / …
Balthasar Neumann's incomparable suite of rooms – vestibule, staircase, White Hall and Imperial Hall – one of the most magnificent in the history of palace architecture, was decorated and furnished by these artists and craftsmen in a joint creative undertaking which also produced "Würzburg rococo", the most exuberant of all the variations ...
Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung | Residenz Würzburg | Aktuelles
"Zwischen 1740 und 1770 ausgestattet und zwischen 1765 und 1780 mit prachtvollen Gärten versehen, wird die Würzburger Residenz als das einheitlichste und außergewöhnlichste aller Barockschlösser betrachtet und veranschaulicht einen der strahlendsten Fürstenhöfe Europas.
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Residence …
The Würzburg Residence has a total of 40 period rooms open to the public, with a rich array of furniture, tapestries, paintings and other art treasures of the 18th century. The tour through the Residence starts on the ground floor with the vestibule and and the Garden Hall goes via the famous staircase on to the upper floor where the other ...
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Tourist ...
Admission fees 2025. 10 euros regular · 9 euros reduced. The admission to the Court Church and the Court Garden is free. With one of our annual season tickets or 14-days-tickets you can visit over forty of the most beautiful sights in Bavaria!. Information + FAQ on the annual seson ticktes and the 14-days-tickets. Tickets
Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung | Residenz Würzburg | Besucher ...
Eintrittskarten erhalten Sie derzeit ausschließlich an der Kasse der Residenz Würzburg. Aus organisatorischen Gründen bitten wir Reisegruppen ab 15 Personen, sich unbedingt sechs Werktage im Voraus anzumelden. Weitere Informationen finden …
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Tourist ...
Here you can find information on photo and film permits in the Würzburg Residence and Court Garden, as well as useful information on photography for private purposes and our regulations for wedding shoots.
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Tourist ...
All rooms of the Würzburg Residence can be visited without a guided tour. The entrance ticket entitles visitors to join a guided tour held by the Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Würzburg. We offer guided tours in English every day at 11 am and 3 pm (duration about 30 minutes). Guided tours in German:
Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung | Residenz Würzburg | Besucher ...
Durch spektakuläre Luftaufnahmen und eindrucksvolle Innenansichten gewähren wir Ihnen exklusive Einblicke hinter die Mauern der Residenz Würzburg und eine tolle Sicht auf sonst versteckte Details. Auch der prachtvolle Hofgarten kommt hier auf besondere Weise zur Geltung: zum Film "Residenz Würzburg" bei YouTube
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Tourist ...
A tactile model left of the entrance to the Court Garden enables visually impaired people to get a better idea of the shapes, structures and dimensions of the Würzburg Residence. Information on guided tours can be found here.
Bavarian Palace Administration | Würzburg Residence | Tour
At the hands of the architect, Balthasar Neumann, this hall, with its twenty, almost 9-metre high half columns in reddish stucco-work marble and large oval dome, was transformed into the most splendid and imposing room in the Würzburg Residence.