- Clean Air Stars
We have a small indoor dining space in which the air is serviced by a combination of natural ventilation via open windows and doors and HEPA filtration with two Taotronics TTAP003 air purifiers. We monitor CO2 levels and all staff are fitted …
Air Filters - Clean Air Stars
Choosing an air filter can be confusing, but it needn't be. 1. Determine the room dimensions or person capacity To reduce the risk of transmission we aim to introduce as much fresh or filtered air into a space as possible.
Air Cleaner Recommendation Tool
This tool helps you determine how many portable air cleaners you need and at what fan speed to run them, based on the size of your room or the number of people in it. The goal is to achieve the recommended cleaner airflow levels that can reduce the risk of spreading airborne microbes like SARS-CoV-2 in poorly ventilated indoor spaces.
- Clean Air Stars
Install portable air cleaners (HEPA filters) Where ventilation is not reliably adequate, HEPA filters can help reduce the amount of aerosols containing virus in the air and help reduce the risk of transmission.
Steps - Clean Air Stars
Steps to achieving cleaner air in your business Achieving cleaner air in your workplace or business is achievable. We're here to help guide you. 01 Create outdoor spaces Outdoor interactions reduce the risk of transmission by allowing natural ventilation to rapidly dilute infectious respiratory particles in a crowd, as well as allow for ultra
Australia - Clean Air Stars
I am clinical psychologist who knows that clean air is essential for client safety. In my large therapy room, I have 2 air purifiers, CO2 monitor, wear a P2 mask and supply clients with them on request.
United States - Clean Air Stars
As we learned more about Covid and how it is an airborne illness, we were the first restaurant in Seattle, and one of only a few nationally, to install what we feel is an incredible technology called Upper Room Germicidal UV-C Lights which disinfects our indoor air.
Outdoors - Clean Air Stars
Outdoor interactions reduce the risk of transmission by allowing natural ventilation to rapidly dilute infectious respiratory particles in a crowd, as well as allow for ultra violet (UV) light during the day to inactivate any virus that is either floating in the air or that has settled on surfaces.
United Kingdom - Clean Air Stars
We have a small indoor dining space in which the air is serviced by a combination of natural ventilation via open windows and doors and HEPA filtration with two Taotronics TTAP003 air purifiers. We monitor CO2 levels and all staff are fitted …
Contact - Clean Air Stars
We have a small indoor dining space in which the air is serviced by a combination of natural ventilation via open windows and doors and HEPA filtration with two Taotronics TTAP003 air purifiers. We monitor CO2 levels and all staff are fitted …